Hyperpigmentation is the excessive deposits of melanin in the skin. Unfortunately, it occurs particularly in places that are exposed to sunlight and is therefore usually difficult to hide. However, you can do something about it.
What is hyperpigmentation and how does it occur?
Melanins are the pigments that provide the characteristic color in our skin and hair. Sun tanning in particular is due to increased formation of melanin, which is produced as a reaction of the skin to strong sunlight. Melanin plays an extremely important role in protecting the skin from UV radiation. However, if the skin reacts too strongly to prolonged exposure to the sun, excessive accumulations of melanin can develop in certain areas of the skin. The result is spots on the skin that have different shades of brown. In these cases one speaks of hyperpigmentation, which, if it occurs in the form of almond-sized spots, is also referred to as age spots. Freckles are also a form of pigment spots that fall under the term hyperpigmentation.
However, hyperpigmentation can also occur due to externally added pigments. This can also be done consciously - tattoos, for example, are nothing more than pigments that are placed under the skin with the help of needles.
Development and promotion of hyperpigmentation
When hyperpigmentation occurs at a young age, there is usually a genetic disposition. If you have such a predisposition, pigment spots can develop even at a young age, especially if you are exposed to strong sunlight for too long. But hormonal influences also play a role. For example, freckles appear more frequently in childhood and usually disappear again after a few years. Other triggers for pigment spots are general aging processes and injuries to the skin. No matter what the triggers of hyperpigmentation are - especially women can rarely make friends with it. And they don't necessarily have to - because there are ways to do something about them.
What helps against hyperpigmentation
If you are affected and suffering from hyperpigmentation, there are a few things you can do about it. In general, it is already helpful if you avoid being exposed to direct sunlight for too long.
Chemical peels, which are acidic, can also help. The acid helps to slough off the top layers of skin, revealing the underlying, nearly pigment-free layers of skin.
A particularly gentle and at the same time effective method is the use of a serum with vitamin C, e.g. B. from Mother Nature. With its high vitamin C and vitamin E content, as well as aloe vera extracts, the Mother Nature Vitamin C Serum can help to gently reduce skin pigmentation.
In extreme cases, it may not be possible to achieve a reduction in hyperpigmentation with serums or other gentle agents. In such cases, the only option left is to resort to laser therapy.